Join us for an exciting journey to Chaco Canyon, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its ancient Puebloan architecture and rich cultural history.

The ancient ruins of Chaco Canyon include many Kivas from the time of the Anasazi

Explore Chaco Canyon: An Outdoor Adventure!

Here's what's in store for you:

8:00 am - Meet at Outdoor Equipment Rental Center

8:20am - Depart HHPC for Chaco Canyon

10:30 am - Arrive Chaco Canyon Visitor Center

10:45am- 2:15 pm - Begin Trails: Chetro Ketl, Pueblo Bonito and Kin Kletso trail

12-1:00 pm - Lunch at picnic tables

2:30 pm - Load up van to return to SJC

4:30 pm - Arrive back at SJC

Sign up today!

Contact: Roman McCabe 505-566-3487 or

Cost: FREE to San Juan College Students

$20 for Community Members

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